Have questions? Contact Coach Linder klinder@aspirehighersports.com or 330.221-5197



Mindset is a choice, it gives perspective to allow life to work either for you or against you.

Reframe stress as a challenge, believe and trust in yourself, recognize negative beliefs that you have and change them, take ownership, show courage, uphold standards that you have that will allow you to be the person you want to be.

Decide to believe and trust in you. Focus on what you want, who you want to be, instead of what you don’t want or what you are trying to avoid.

PLAN OF ACTION – If you want to make change in your life create standards and use daily routines, habits, and behaviors to meet the standards. Make a promise to be consistent, be disciplined in the thoughts you have and the actions you take and do it one step at a time.

Get a role model, someone you can model and learn from. What makes them successful, what mental and physical characteristics do they possess, what do they value, what is their mission, what are their standards, what work habits do they have, what has gotten them to this point in their career, what can you learn from them?

Create a vision of who you want to be mentally and physically. What do you value, what is your mission, your goals, your standards, and the habits and agreements you want to incorporate into your everyday life that will help train your subconscious mind to become the best version of you?

Take control of you mind by what you feed into it. Guard your thoughts and be a bouncer, show discipline in deciding what thoughts you will pay attention to and act on. Delete those that don’t serve you and replace them with thoughts that will empower you. Feed your mind with thoughts, beliefs, and actions of who you want to be.

Use power phrases, affirmations, and positive images of how you want to program your personal GPS. Your body will react to what both your conscious and subconscious mind tells it.

The subconscious has more power so check in and see is it taking you closer or further away from what you want? The goal is to use your conscious mind to train and program the subconscious mind to be in alignment with who you want to be. This is where discipline in thought comes in because the subconscious mind will try to keep you safe through a fight, flight, or freeze response when faced with uncertainty, doubt, or fear. Use the conscious mind to override the subconscious when you feel threatened by a situation.

Change your perspective and embrace uncertainty, doubt, and fear as a positive challenge to help you grow. Acknowledge they exist and then decide that you will not give them power to hold you back from achieving what you want. Choose to make them a non-factor and have the courage to move forward anyway.

When competing, which inner voice will you pay attention to, the one taking you closer to your goals or the one that is holding you back? It’s like going on an adventure, you don’t know what you will face but you know you will grow from the experience. Create a determined mindset to face you challenge without knowing the end-result. You can control your focus, energy, effort, and body language. Enjoy the challenge even though you may not be able to control the outcome. Play with passion and battle to the end.

Pay attention to your physical state. Be BIG, tall, proud, confident, calm, focused, determined, not afraid to fail, fearless, courageous, and in control of your emotions. Play big by acting big, breathing, big, and committing to confident composed action trusting yourself. BE FREE, PLAY FOR LOVE OF THE GAME, TRUST!

Athletes and teams can work with mental performance coach Karen Linder to develop a winning mindset. 330-221-5197 or email klinder@aspirehighersports.com.

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